Monday, October 3, 2011

Are Back Pain Problems Caused by Poor Posture Or Muscle Strain?

According to the current study almost 80% of the US population is suffering from back pain problems and to make the matter worse, a big portion of them are ignorant about the causes of this trouble. Muscle strain plays a main role in back pain problem. Among most of the reasons regarding back pain, one of them is a problem which was ignored for a lengthy time. In most of the cases, back ache is usually not a severe trouble and departs quickly. But, if the pain continues for a long time, the unsurpassed decision is to go for a medical advice.

Generally, it is advised to have complete bed rest for back treatment, but studies have revealed that only rest might not relieve to cure the pain. It would be better to take some preventive measures for the back hurt continuing with your normal activities.

It is considered to be a general illness - 8 out of 10 people would experience pain at the back at some stage in their life. It all depends whether the pain is acute, recurrent or chronic.

Medical studies have shown that in case of first category one can seek home remedies and the pain last for about six weeks. If it's the case of recurrent category, the patient feels back pain again after some time but the worst is chronic pain, which last for a longer phase. The intensity of this kind of pain varies from persons to persons as with no any reason at all, some persons feel it all of a sudden, for others it could be like a dull backache to an intense pain.

A word of caution: if someone is experiencing severe and frequent pains, it should not be avoided and the person should seek proper medical advice. Always consult your physician without delay if someone has common symptoms like difficulty in passing urine or having numbness in the back or the genital area, weakness and a shooting pain the leg or feeling unstable while standing.

Effective back pain remedies: Massage is one of the effective ways of reducing the pain. By finding out the exact reason for it, the incidence or the severity of the pain can be reduced by looking or modifying the factors or certain situations causing pain and then trying to find the best possible remedies. One of the common yet overlook problem would be a poor posture. Certain manual actions like lifting, bending and twisting could also result in back related pain.

It is very important to be familiar with the symptoms of back pain as it helps in proper treatment and appropriate rehabilitation procedures are important in minimizing the problems caused by it. There are certain test that needs to be done on person suffering from back pain like:

* blood test

* urine examination

* ultra-sonography of abdomen and pelvis an X-ray of the lumbar or sacral region

* MRI of the spine examination of rectum, prostate, genito urinary organs etc.

In addition to this there are several medicines like Acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which are available for the proper treatment of pain at the back, especially low back pain. The doctors may recommend narcotic pain medications or muscle relaxants in case of acute back pain.

Want to stop back pain problems? We provide a lot of free tips and advice at

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